The iPhone 5C comes available in five different colors, similar to the Nokia Lumia and the HTC windows phone. Now Apple is getting criticized because of this, since they weren't the first ones on the market with that idea. However, must we recall that Apple has been manufacturing it's iPods (specially the nanos) in a variety of colors since their second generation in 2006. Now they're just implementing this in their phones. It's what the market wants, people demand colorful phones, that's what companies are going to start selling, regardless of the brand.
I've also noticed how some people disapprove of this brand in general, they think it's supposed to be for snobs only because it creates a certain status. Part of that is true because the expenses of making Apple products aren't really that high, yet their prices are mostly unaffordable. The users basically pay for an experience rather than the product itself. As an Apple user, I do admit that the products and the brand have like a certain enchantment because they make it seem all so appealing and pulchritudinous. (I can't find a better word). In my case, I saw it as an investment because I've had really bad luck with technology involving other brands, I switched in order to avoid the trouble and repairs. Nonetheless, I still don't understand some people's mockery and sarcasm, there are so many phone manufacturers out there, get a grip.
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