To be honest, I've never been interested in cooking, baking or being in the kitchen in general. However, I think it's time I start learning. I can't be buying take out food all the time or be depending on my mother since she doesn't have time to cook everyday. I'm taking small steps here because this is unexplored territory for me. Now, since it was the first time I ever baked something all by myself, I decided to take a short cut and ended up buying the box with the premix. I prepared a total of 12 cupcakes, although they looked more like muffins. After doing some research, I came to the conclusion that I over-mixed it. They didn't turn out as expected, but being the first time, we all make mistakes. I'll just have to keep this in mind for next time. They were edible and tasted good, so that's what counts, right?

Just in case you were wondering about the ingredients:
- Cupcake premix that came with the box
- 2 eggs
- 2/3 cup of cooking oil
- 1/2 cup of water
- Bake for 25 to 30 minutes
- Whip cream to decorate with some sprinkles
ViolĂ !
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