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Thursday, July 25, 2013

I started yoga classes again yesterday. I had taken a long pause of 5 months because the semester had begun and my awful schedule did not cooperate. So I decided to stop going and return during winter break. Now that the break finally arrived, I eagerly signed up. 

I've noticed how yoga has become really commercial now. I guess it's a new trend, many Hollywood celebs have gotten into it, such as Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore and Adam Levine (sources here and here). I wasn't much aware of what yoga consisted of until one day a good friend of mine asked me to go with her to one class. I went because I was curious, but my curiosity led me to discover something amazing. That was at the beginning of last year, and I still don't get bored of doing yoga.

It's hard to explain the feeling that you get after each practice, the only word that comes to mind is peace. But it's something you must experience on your own in order to fully understand. Unless, of course, you're one of those people that hate silence and being still, then yoga isn't going to be as fun. What I do find amusing is how relaxed it makes you feel and how every problem you have starts to diminish, it really helps you concentrate in different aspects of your life. Not to mention, the good work out. 

I'm not trying to persuade anyone, I'm just here sharing a delightful experience. It'd be nice if more people became in touch with themselves and with life in general. Namaste. 

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