Hi there! Tomorrow is that time of year again -- All Hallows' Eve. Well, no one really calls it that anymore. Aside from Christmas, Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Dressing up and trick-or-treating, ending up with candy enough candy to last for an entire month. Even though the Halloween vibe is not as strong here in Peru, we're still trying to get in the mood.
Which is why I brought you this post today. A super quick and easy costume you can create with pieces you probably already own. This year I will be dressing up as the infamous Wednesday Friday Addams. She's as dark as a girl can get, with a slightly wicked sense of humor. And as we all know, her signature style consists of a black dress with a white collar.
All you will need is:
- Plain black dress. Mine is from the brand Marquis, but there are also plenty of styles in Forever 21.
- White blouse with a collar. I got mine from the brand Tally Weijl. But just like the black dress, many different brands offer similar styles.
- Black or white panty hose.
- Two hair ties for the pigtail braids.
- As for the makeup, you can keep it natural and simple, or you could go to the dark side. I'll be wearing the Dolce K Kylie Lip Kit. Also, I found a helpful tutorial on Pinterest, check it out here.
- To finish it up, you can style it with a pair of black ballerinas or ankle boots, as you prefer.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!

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