Life Lately

Friday, July 15, 2016

La Luna Vita

Hello! So I haven't been updating the blog as often as initially planned. Sometimes life throws at you unexpected opportunities and you just have to take them. Which is what I did --and now I have a new job! However, that doesn't mean I'll be leaving the blog aside. As I mentioned previously, I already have a post planned on a review on a book, "What Happened to Goodbye" by Sarah Dessen. I'm two chapters away from being done! I know that Sarah Dessen's novels can be a quick read, but I always find her stories captivating. And there's another product review coming soon that I've been wanted to do for quite a while, but I won't give out any details yet. 

Anyway, here I'm sharing two photos. I'm starting to think I have a serious problem with flowers, every time I see a few --whether it's at a store or at a park, I feel the need to take a picture. Plus, here are some chicken quesadillas, because who doesn't love quesadillas?

P.S. I have officially finished my career in Consumer Psychology. I'll be receiving my Bachelor's Degree in a few months, alongside with the graduation ceremony. Can't wait!


  1. Flowers and quesadillas are the best! Congrats on graduating in a few months! And good luck for your new job!

    xo April | April Everyday

  2. I am also obsessed with flowers! I have to exercise self-constraint, as we buy them weekly and I want to do a million of glamourshots. Congrats on the upcoming graduation!

    Monica | Not a nomad blog

  3. Love these catch up-style posts! x
    Morgan |

  4. Haha that's what quesadillas do :)


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